1574ページ目 トランプ大統領 暗殺未遂










マシュー容疑者は演説会場の外からライフル銃で狙撃していますが(朝日新聞記事「建物屋上に「ライフル銃の男」、事件前に目撃情報か トランプ氏銃撃」)彼は20歳です。









この大事件についてはネット上でトランプ氏が次の大統領になるとの声が上がっています(FLASH記事「「奇跡の1枚」トランプ氏襲撃写真が “歴史的名画” と一致!「次期大統領、これが決定打」と話題に」ヤフーニュース)。





















もしトランプ氏が大統領に復帰したとしてもケネディ大統領のように任期途中で暗殺される可能性だってあるのです(時事通信記事「米大統領、襲撃の歴史 過去に4人暗殺、いずれも銃撃」ヤフーニュース)。







When I woke up in the morning, I was shocked to hear the news.

Former President Trump was shot (Reuters article "Multiple shots fired at Trump from outside the venue, one dead, two seriously injured = Presidential Guard" Yahoo News).

Trump was wounded in the gunfire, but his life is not in danger.

However, one person at the rally who was listening to Trump's speech was killed and two seriously injured.

The shooter was shot dead.

It is no longer possible to ask the shooter about the motive for the attack.

There were voices saying that the Trump camp staged the attack (Sponichi article: "Mayumi Kurata criticizes the possibility that the Trump shooting was staged: "People are dead" Yahoo News), but that's probably not the case.

The culprit is Thomas Matthew Crooks, a resident of Pennsylvania (Huffington Post article: "Authorities announce 20-year-old culprit in Trump shooting incident. Died after incident" Yahoo News).

Matthew is the sniper with a rifle from outside the speech venue (Asahi Shimbun article: "'Rifleman' on roof of building, witness reports before incident, Trump shooting"), but he is only 20 years old.

It is difficult to shoot accurately with a rifle unless you are very experienced.

It is highly uncertain to reliably shoot a moving target while narrowly missing its vital points.

If it was staged, an experienced sniper would be hired.

Considering his age, Matthew does not have the skills.

Matthew truly had murderous intent when he fired the gun.

However, I don't think he missed intentionally; I think he simply missed his target due to lack of skill.

There is a 13-hour time difference between Japan and the United States, so you can't let your guard down even in the middle of the night.

There are voices on the Internet about this major incident saying that Trump will be the next president (FLASH article "'A miracle photo': Photo of Trump's attack matches a 'historic masterpiece'! 'This is the deciding factor for the next president' is a hot topic" Yahoo News).

It is indeed a miracle photo.

It was a miracle that Trump was shot(In a bad way), that his life was spared, and that the photo was composed in the same way as Delacroix's masterpiece.

I think many voters will compare this to President Biden's two unfortunate slip-ups at the NATO conference.

Some may think that Trump, who miraculously survived the shooting, is more reliable in the field of security.

However, on the other hand, I don't think we will be safe even if Trump becomes president.

The perpetrator was shot and the motive is unknown, but the fact that there are also extremists in the anti-Trump camp is a big problem.

The Trump supporters who attacked the US Capitol are dangerous, but the anti-Trump supporters who are trying to kill Trump, who is running for president, are also dangerous.

If  Trump is elected, how will we protect ourselves from anti-Trump extremists?

The Secret Service was present in this attack, but they were unable to prevent the attack by the assailant and Trump was injured.

It was a miracle that the bullets did not hit his heart or brain.

It is unclear whether this was the work of a terrorist organization or a lone wolf, but the United States is a country with a large disparity.

The United States' Gini coefficient is 0.48, a level at which a historic revolution would occur.

There is a possibility that terrorists who will try to attack Trump will appear in the future.

Speaking of which, Trump has pledged to repeal gun control (Forbes article "Trump pledges to 'repeal gun control' under Biden administration, aims to win NRA support").

Isn't Trump crazy?

I cannot understand why he has not withdrawn his proposal to repeal gun control even after being shot.

Those in favor of abolishing gun control argue that possessing guns is a deterrent against terrorists, but it did not prevent Trump's shooting.

If we continue to leave gun control in place and allow terrorists to possess guns, we cannot deny the possibility that Trump will be attacked again.

Even if Trump is returned to the presidency, there is a possibility that he will be assassinated midway through his term, like President Kennedy (Jiji Press article "A history of attacks on US presidents: four assassinations in the past, all by gunfire", Yahoo News).

It is still unclear how the US presidential election will turn out.

But shouldn't both the Democrats and Republicans continue to move forward with strengthening gun control?

Not only could there be attacks on VIPs, but there is also the possibility that rioters storming the Capitol could pick up guns and fire them.

We cannot accept an increase in gun casualties, nor can we accept democracy being ended by a bullet.

I think Trump should withdraw his proposal to repeal gun control.