1529ページ目 ガザ地区侵攻とジェノサイドの定義



この攻撃で少なくとも45名の死亡が確認されました(日経記事「ラファ人道地区 再攻撃)。
















国境を警備するエジプト軍とイスラエル軍との間に銃撃戦が発生しエジプト兵1名の死亡が確認されました(共同通信記事「ガザ・エジプト境界を掌握 イスラエル軍、緊張高まる」ヤフーニュース)。









ICCはネタニヤフ首相に逮捕状を請求しました(朝日新聞記事「ネタニヤフ首相らに逮捕状請求 ICCが裁く犯罪とこれからの展開」)。


























イスラエル政府がICCに圧力をかけていたとのニュースもありました(TBS記事「イスラエル情報機関前長官がICC前主任検察官を脅迫か 戦争犯罪めぐる捜査に圧力」マイクロソフトスタート)。



















The Israeli military continues to invade the Gaza Strip.

Tents where civilians were taking refuge in the southern part of the Gaza Strip were attacked by the Israeli military.

At least 45 people were confirmed dead in this attack (Nikkei article: "Repeated Attack on Rafah Humanitarian Area").

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has explained the Israeli military's attack on the refugee camp.

He said, "Unfortunately, it led to a tragic error."

The Israeli government claims that the Israeli military had no intention of attacking civilians.

Is the Israeli government's claim really correct?

I don't think so.

The Israeli military invaded the Gaza Strip for the pretext of wiping out Hamas terrorists, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths.

Many of the victims were civilians, such as women and children, who had no connection to the terrorists.

The Israeli military has killed many civilians outside the Rafah Humanitarian Area as well.

It cannot be denied that the Israeli military's air strikes on refugee tents were not accidental but were carried out intentionally.

In the first place, the method of air strikes itself is a dangerous method that can also involve civilians.

If they really wanted to target only Hamas terrorists, wouldn't it be enough to send a small number of elite special forces?

At the very least, it is wrong to fight near the tents of refugees.

Furthermore, the Israeli government has indicated its intention to continue the Israeli military's invasion of the Gaza Strip, and has sent additional troops.

The Israeli military has occupied the center of the Gaza Strip and the border area between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

A firefight broke out between the Egyptian military guarding the border and the Israeli military, and one Egyptian soldier was confirmed dead (Kyodo News article "Israeli Army Takes Control of Gaza-Egypt Border, Tensions Rise", Yahoo News).

The people of the Gaza Strip are losing their safe places to live due to the invasion of the Israeli military.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is a veteran soldier who graduated from MIT and has a history of working as an excellent consultant at Boston Consulting.

There is no way that such an extremely talented man could not predict what would happen if the Israeli military invaded the Gaza Strip.

Prime Minister Netanyahu should have been able to imagine that civilians in the Gaza Strip would be killed by air strikes.

Didn't he privately order the Israeli military to annihilate civilians who had no connection to Hamas terrorists?

Even if he gave no specific instructions on how to treat civilians, can't he be said to have tacitly approved of civilian casualties by authorizing Israeli airstrikes in a small area?

Prime Minister Netanyahu says it was an error by the Israeli military, but in reality he bears the greatest responsibility.


The ICC has requested an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu (Asahi Shimbun article: "Arrest warrant requested for Prime Minister Netanyahu and others: Crimes tried by ICC and future developments").

He is accused of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Both Israel and the United States claim that the Israeli military's actions in the Gaza Strip are not genocide.

The definition of genocide is as follows (see United Nations Information Center article: "What is the Genocide Convention?").

According to Article 2 of the Genocide Convention, genocide means any of the following acts, committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial, ethnic or religious group:

(a) killing members of the group.

(b) inflicting serious physical or mental harm on members of the group.

(c) deliberately inflicting on a group conditions of life designed to bring about the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part.

(d) imposing measures designed to prevent the birth of children within the group.

(e) Forcibly transferring children from one group to another.

The large-scale airstrikes have killed tens of thousands of civilians, including children and women, so this meets condition (a).

Many civilians in the Gaza Strip have lost limbs or developed PTSD, so this also meets condition (b).

The Israeli military has blocked the delivery of relief supplies to displaced people in the Gaza Strip (Save the Children article "Gaza"), intentionally starving the displaced people, so this also meets condition (c).

The Israeli military has attacked the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, preventing the birth of children, so this also meets condition (d).

The Israeli government says that "about one million non-combatants have already been evacuated from Rafah," but this is the same as threatening people with force and forcing them to move to evacuation sites, so this also meets condition (e).

It is a well-known fact that the Netanyahu administration is a far-right government that espouses Jewish supremacy, and there are people who claim to take control of all of Palestine by force.

Smotrich, a member of the Religious Zionism Party, one of the ruling parties in the Israeli government, is said to have said, "It is natural that you would not want to put a Jewish baby to sleep in a maternity hospital next to an Arab baby who will become a terrorist in the future" (Article by the Association for Supporting Children of the Holy Land, "Right-wing cabinet in Israel, Jewish supremacist color strengthens").

If this statement is true, we cannot help but suspect that conditions (d) and (e) of genocide may have been intentionally carried out.

Even meeting just one of the five conditions is genocide, but the Israeli army's invasion of the Gaza Strip meets all the definitions of genocide.

The ICC's expert committee of lawyers also unanimously recognized that the Israeli army's actions were genocide.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has said that they should not be treated in the same way as Hamas terrorists.

However, no reasonable counterargument has yet been presented to the effect that the Israeli army's actions are not genocide.

If they cannot refute it, the Israeli army must immediately stop its invasion of the Gaza Strip.

Of course, Prime Minister Netanyahu should also be brought to justice.

If Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to not lump himself in with Hamas terrorists, then even if the Hamas terrorists are not caught, he will need to be accountable in international courts.

If he claims that he is not a terrorist, then as the prime minister of a UN member state he must abide by international law.

There have also been news reports that the Israeli government was putting pressure on the ICC (TBS article "Former head of Israel's intelligence agency may have threatened former ICC chief prosecutor, putting pressure on war crimes investigation", Microsoft Start).

If true, this is a serious issue that disrupts the order of the international community.


Not only in the Middle East, but the whole world is full of wars.

There are regions that are on the brink of war, even if they have not yet reached the point of war.

Japan is no exception.

Aggressors justify themselves.

If we acknowledge the genocide in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military, the same thing could happen in other regions.

Japan is far from the Middle East.

Japan has a history of protecting its national interests by remaining neutral and not taking sides with either the Arab world, which has oil resources, or Israel, which has great influence in international finance.

Some people may think that it is best for Japan to stay out of Israel's invasion of Gaza.

But is that really okay?

The Israeli government is a coalition government made up of multiple political parties.

The ruling coalition includes a far-right party (Jewish Power) that argues that the use of nuclear weapons against Palestine should not be hesitated.

However, Japan's position is that nuclear weapons should be abolished.

If there is a possibility that nuclear weapons will be used in the Gaza Strip, we cannot ignore it.

If we abandon the Gaza Strip, where so many innocent civilians are being killed, we may not receive any help if war breaks out in Japan or the surrounding areas.

And as Japan is a member of the international community, we must work in solidarity to respect human rights and maintain peace.

Once again, we would like to call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.